“if you are going to doubt anything in life, doubt your limitations”
— Dan Brule
Dialled up senses, no substances required. Creativity boosted.
As you undertake breathwork journeying, you may well notice the shift in your daily life. A freedom from repressed traumas. a new sense of openness within, to those around you. sharper intuition and enhanced creativity.
What they say…
“What I really appreciate is that Emily, from the beginning created this beautiful space, this loving container where it felt really really safe to explore myself, and to really drop into the work and to build trust. That whatever shows up is held for me and that enabled me to go really deep.
The whole journey was just really beautiful. I usually have a lot of access to parts of myself, cognitively, but I really enjoyed just getting to this direct contact with my emotions into this feeling, into communication with my inner child, with trauma, and suddenly unblocking these parts where a lot of tension was stored and seeing what happens when it gets released.
I definitely wouldn't have expected it to be that powerful and to take me to such deep places. I was really surprised about how intense it was and how good. I could really drop into the work, the body kind of just knows how to do it, and that was really amazing.
I can really integrate it into my everyday life, the things I experience always have a direct link to stuff that is happening and suddenly something makes more sense than it did before. Part of the beauty of the breathwork is that the breath is always there, and so is the wisdom.
I feel the impact of the breathwork is really amazing, it helps me to integrate and to access emotions differently in a more natural state, involving less friction and less struggle. “
— Sarah - Atendee of a workshop, 1 on 1 and 2 Breathwork series.
Breathwork invites you out of your head and into your Body, your heart and into presence.
‘‘Every breathwork experience was different, I went deeper into the body, I think that it enhances the tensions and emotions that you already have inside, so they just come to surface, and then in my case, by using sound, it was released. That was very helpful.
Today I had a really different experience a lot more releasing tears, I experienced that in all aspects of my life I could allow more vulnerability, it was really joyful. So, it's always different but it's very deep.
It has been so helpful to me, over the weeks I was looking forward to it, it has become an anchor point. I think it's very powerful to do it on a regular basis, and to dive deep within yourself every week, to feel really relaxed afterwards. To really release some emotions. I'm quite sure that it's very powerful and it’s helped me a lot.
Emily does a really good job to create and hold a safe space, and also a lovely atmosphere. The journeys that she facilitates and creates with music are very supportive and adventurous as well. So its the perfect place to do it, really!’’
— Gijsbert. Participant of 1 workshop and 2 series.