Helping you to connect with and see,
your fullest self through
breathwork and Photography
realise the most Beautiful vision for your life.
reveal it, revel in it, rage in it, weep in it, feel the whole damn thing, that’s the way to get there.
With the movement of the breath and through the witnessing eyes of the camera, I want to invite you to play. To bring your creative curiosity to all of your experiences. To dance with the shadows that are longing to be seen and accepted as part of your fullest magical realisation.
I want you to allow yourself to feel and to be seen. Watch where this can take you. Watch as you choose to see and release the invisible weighted threads that have held you back. See how now you can fly.
Deepening your connection with the full you.
Embodiment from the Inside out.
Breathwork is one of the most powerful ways to release stagnant energy from our bodies. Gifting us on its release with a sense of liberation into our expansive nature and sharpened intuition.
My camera reflects you back to you. What you may know you are, what you may want to be, what you may desire, what you may resist. Your Beauty, your Power, all of it.
what is in my Alchemical tool kit?
Breathe and expand
Sharing with you the breath as a tool to dive deeply within, expand and explore.
Visualise and EMbody
Activate your fullness of self and capture the depths of who you are.
Radical honesty
this is what i want to assist you in accessing within. We always have access to what is going on for us, in every moment when we check in with our bodies. if we choose to hide from our truths, we create shadows and trapped emotions that hold us back. With radical honesty we can free ourselves from this and relate to our full rich experience in a whole different way. Owning this and showing this to both yourself and others is a bold brave path to walk and leads to radical self-empowerment. From within. This is your life and your journey, and you can do this, You are a powerful creative being!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others”
Maryanne Williamson